Join the Naturopathy Academy
& discover the power of nature

What is Naturopathy?
Naturopathy is a holistic health system that focuses on healing through natural means. It is based on the belief in the body's ability to heal itself. Instead of treating symptoms, naturopathy seeks to identify the root causes of illness. This approach aims to restore the body's natural balance by combining diet, herbal remedies, lifestyle changes, and other natural methods.
Naturopathy is often seen as complementary to modern medicine and can be effective for a wide range of health concerns. Its goals include managing chronic diseases, strengthening the immune system, stress management, and improving overall health. Naturopathic treatments are tailored to each individual and consider their unique needs.

Basic Principles of Naturopathy
Naturopathy supports the body's intrinsic healing processes.
emphasizes the identification of etiological factors rather than symptomatic relief.
employs natural therapeutics such as nutrition, phytotherapy, and lifestyle interventions.
adopts a biopsychosocial model; biological, psychological, and social factors.
supports lifestyle changes for lasting recovery.

Naturopathy Academy is an organization that has been operating in line with the principles of nature treatment since 2015. Under the leadership of its founders Demet Altuğgil and Serpil Karacaer, an approach that targets the physical, mental and spiritual integrity of the individual is adopted. The main purpose of the academy is to balance the life energies of individuals and support natural healing processes.
Naturopathy is the philosophy of living a healthy life with natural methods that are in harmony with human nature. This approach, which has roots dating back thousands of years, focuses on activating the body's own healing mechanisms rather than intervening in diseases with drugs. Acting on the basic principle of "the healing power of nature," naturopathy aims to make individuals active in their own health.
In the light of the principles and principles of Traditional Naturopathy, which is the basis of natural therapies, to encourage the self-healing process, to reveal the life force gifted in the essence of existence with the support it receives from the power of nature, to ensure that people are healthy within the holistic system with their own body, soul, mind, emotions and thoughts, beliefs, and habits, to guide people in increasing their knowledge and skills in order to protect their own health and vitality, to educate people in developing a healthy, fit and balanced lifestyle, and to ensure that they take responsibility for their health.
We are committed to providing you with the best natural solutions, fulfilling our mission.
The Naturopathy Academy opens its doors to anyone who wants to get away from the chaos of the modern world and discover the natural healing powers within us. Emphasizing the importance of natural methods for a healthy life, the Academy offers a comprehensive approach that aims for the integrity of body, mind and soul.

With our team specialized in the multidisciplinary field of natural health, we will accompany you on your journey of personal development and healing. Embark on a personalized journey with our internationally certified instructors that will support your natural healing processes with methods such as Naturopathy, Feldenkrais, meditation and aromatherapy.
Founder of Naturopathy Academy
ND. Demet Altuğgil
Demet Altuğgil has embarked on a healing journey with her deep interest in homeopathy since 1987 and naturopathy since 1990. Specializing in these fields with her extensive four-year education abroad, Altuğgil founded the Naturopathy Academy with Dt. Serpil Karacaer in 2015. In addition to ancient wisdom such as Sufism and nature therapy, she has had the opportunity to conduct research and practice in different areas. She specializes in NLP, EFT, Feldenkrais, MindMaps, Mindfullness, Fairytale Therapy, Art Therapy, Acupressure, Holistic Nutrition, Addictions and Mineral Therapy methods.
Founder of Naturopathy Academy
ND. Dt. Serpil Karacaer
Dt Serpil Karacaer, graduated from Hacettepe University Faculty of Dentistry, has focused on Naturopathy and Homeopathy since 1999. She has the most up-to-date knowledge and skills in these fields with the numerous trainings she has received both domestically and internationally. In 2015, she founded the Naturopathy Academy with Demet Altuğgil, aiming to raise awareness about supporting health with natural methods. In addition to dentistry, she shares her deep knowledge and experience in her areas of expertise with her students at the Naturopathy Academy and also provides individual consultancy services.
Feldenkrais Instructor
Dr. Hayri Uzel
Dr. Uzel, who graduated from Marmara University Sports Medicine Department, completed his doctorate at the Health Sciences Institute. After working at the German Hospital for many years, he founded Sportsmed in 1992. In 1998, he met Dr. Frank Wildman at the Feldenkrais Method Movement Institute in New York and completed a 4-year intensive training process in this field. Dr. Uzel, who started Feldenkrais Method applications at Sportsmed in 2002, has organized countless awareness workshops and increased the quality of life of many people with Functional Integration (FI) sessions. He successfully implements the Hipnorelax System, which he developed with his deep knowledge in his field of expertise, under the roof of Sportsmed.
Mindfulness and Meditation Instructor
Olga Şengünlü
Psychologist Olga Şengünlü graduated from Moscow University, Department of Psychology and started her career as a psychological counselor in international schools. After completing her three-year homeopathy training in 2013, she learned the Mindfulness technique and attended a meditation retreat in 2014. While working as a kindergarten educator and coordinator at Bilkent International School (BLIS) between 2014-2021, she started giving yoga training. She completed the Mindfulness Trainer Training at Mindful Academy Solterreno in Spain and gives MBSR, Mindful Parenting, Mindful Nutrition, Mindfulness in Education and the Power of Awareness for Institutions trainings.
Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Specialist
Elif Yazıcı
Elif Yazıcı graduated from Manisa Celal Bayar University, Department of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants and has been working on topics such as Aromatherapy, Plants, Phytotherapy, Naturopathy and Smell Physiology for 17 years. She has been giving regular training on aromatherapy and scents at many universities for 10 years and also organizes botanical trips and camps to make the scent and the scent giver heard and heard. She works with aromatherapy oils produced by world-renowned scent experts and scientists.
Hormone Yoga Instructor
Seda Kervanoğlu
Seda Shambhavi Kervanoğlu is an internationally recognized instructor specializing in yoga and ayurveda. Kervanoğlu, who has been involved in yoga since 1985, has studied various yoga styles and disciplines in depth. She completed her yoga instructor training at the Sivananda Yoga Academy ashram in Madurai. Kervanoğlu is an experienced and well-equipped instructor with a deep background in the world of yoga and ayurveda. She is the only person registered to provide Hormone Yoga Therapy Instructor training in Turkey.
Specialist Pharmacist
Handan Erdem
Handan Erdem graduated from Ankara University Faculty of Pharmacy in 1993 and completed her master's degree before starting her academic career. She worked as a public pharmacist for many years, and with the experience she gained during this period, she deepened her interest in the field of complementary medicine. Focusing on alternative treatment methods such as functional pharmacy, aromatherapy, natural cosmetic products, naturopathy and homeopathy, Erdem specialized in these fields by participating in training and certification programs.
Meşrutiyet caddesi, Hatay sokak, Sabancı İş Merkezi, 4/16, Kızılay, Ankara
+90 555 897 19 23
+90 555 896 19 23